In a groundbreaking collaboration, NI, formerly National Instruments, has teamed up with the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) as the official Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Technology Sponsor, setting the stage for advancements in autonomous vehicles and safer, more efficient transportation solutions.
What’s Happening
NI, known previously as National Instruments, has proclaimed its new partnership with the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) as the official Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Technology Sponsor. The partnership leverages NI’s innovative HIL test system, enabling the IAC team to validate their car architectures and exhaustively test all components in a secure environment prior to their introduction on the racing track.
Why It Matters
The IAC, a pioneering venture in the world of autonomous racing, organizes full-scale autonomous racing competitions and serves as a global platform for university teams. The primary objective of these competitions is to hasten the commercialization of fully autonomous vehicles. This strategic partnership with NI integrates public-private sponsorships and academic institutions, thereby creating an extraordinary testing and validation platform for industrial technologies.
Key Points
NI was chosen by the IAC for its extensive infrastructure, capabilities, and openness. Notably, NI’s ADAS and AD HIL system stood out due to its seamless integration with present and future third-party components and software. This partnership empowers university teams to attain comprehensive test coverage and improve the performance of the intricate algorithms each team meticulously develops.
“Autonomous driving is a complex endeavor that requires collaboration and collective effort, and by joining forces with IAC, we can gain firsthand insight into the challenges faced by our customers,” stated Jeffrey Phillips, Director of Transportation Marketing at NI.
Bottom Line
The collaboration between IAC and NI signifies a landmark moment in the autonomous vehicle landscape. United, they will lead the way for unprecedented advancements, foster innovation, and push the industry towards safer and more efficient autonomous transportation solutions. Paul Mitchell, President of the Indy Autonomous Challenge, said, “Our university teams are working to solve real-world problems and they need best-in-class solutions like NI’s HIL technology to help them reach the next level of autonomous achievement.”