What’s Happening
Digital freight network leader Convoy has announced a strategic partnership with Volvo Autonomous Solutions (V.A.S.), a global powerhouse in autonomous transport solutions. The collaboration aims to secure autonomous freight capacity for customers on select routes in Texas once the service becomes available.
Why It Matters
The freight industry is undergoing significant transformation, driven by the evolution of autonomous transport technology. This partnership represents a concerted effort by Convoy and V.A.S. to inject greater efficiency into the supply chain. Through this venture, shippers in Convoy’s network will have the opportunity to benefit from autonomous transport solutions, marking a significant step in the industry’s shift toward autonomous technology.
Key Points
The new reservation program will leverage a hub-to-hub model. Small fleets and owner-operators in Convoy’s expansive carrier network will have lucrative opportunities to deliver customer loads to the pick-up hub in Texas. From there, V.A.S.’ autonomous fleet will undertake the long-haul to the next hub. Another carrier in Convoy’s network will then deliver the load to its ultimate destination. This model allows autonomous trucks to provide a continuous service along highways, transporting goods between transfer hubs throughout the day and night.
Nils Jaeger, President of Volvo Autonomous Solutions, welcomed Convoy to their list of early reservation customers. Jaeger emphasized the increasing interest in autonomous technology as the industry seeks innovative ways to enhance freight capacity, safety, and efficiency.
Bottom Line
This partnership aims to tackle the industry’s challenges by capitalizing on the transformative power of autonomous trucking technology, according to Brooks McMahon, Chief Business Development Officer at Convoy. He highlighted the potential to optimize fuel efficiency, minimize emissions, and improve drivers’ well-being by leveraging these trucks for highway segments and scheduling loads during off-peak hours.
Notably, this approach offers enhanced quality of life to small to midsize carriers supporting either leg of transportation. They can remain local more often, allowing for more time spent with families. This Convoy-V.A.S. partnership paves the way for the full realization of autonomous trucking’s potential and charts a new course in freight logistics.